Fatal Drift

A Book Review & Excerpt Fatal Drift: Is the Church Losing Its Anchor? by Dr. Jim Jenkins (Deep River Books, 2014)  By Sarah H. Leslie Last Fall my husband and I sat down for coffee with Pastor Jim Jenkins. He had been introduced to us by two of our friends: Warren B. Smith, a well-known […]

Millennial Eschatology

Millennium: Historical & Exegetical Debate Dr. Martin Erdmann has just released a newly published edition of his book originally titled The Millennial Controversy in the Early Church. The updated book, titled Millennium: Historical & Exegetical Debate, is now available on Amazon.com HERE. This book is very current and relevant to the ongoing debates about eschatology […]

Discernment as Free Speech

A Brief Study “…Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you…. “ ~Peter, the Apostle (Acts 2:29) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to […]

Ecumenical Quest

The Rise of Modern Dominionism HERE and HERE Before the Religious Right there were decades of activity laying the groundwork for a merger of church and state. Power elite leaders such as John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen began to drum up religious fervor as a tool to build their utopian vision of a […]


Meditation and Experience Spiritual meditation, as it is commonly practiced around the world, is done for the purpose of achieving an experience of the presence of God. This “presence” feeling, often described as a sense of oneness with the Divine, can create a powerful psychological and physical sense of peace. This much-desired spiritual experience thus […]


RUN! It’s Jesus Calling! Knock, knock. Who’s there? Jesus. Which Jesus? How can someone open the door to the knock of any voice claiming to be Jesus? Why is it so easy for people to listen to another Jesus? How can a person so readily follow this Jesus? Well, what if this Jesus appealed to […]

Christ or Allah

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? This is eternal life, that they may know You,the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.—Jesus, John 17:3, NASB   A Gutenberg Bible (Source) By Pastor Larry DeBruyn For demonstrating solidarity with Muslims by wearing a head scarf and stating that Christians and Muslims […]

Undertaker, Come Quickly. . .

. . . Neo Evan Christianis Has Died Accommodation, accommodation. How the mindset of accommodation grows and expands….For the evangelical accommodation to the world of our agerepresents the removal of the last barrier against the breakdown of our culture.And with the final removal of this barrierwill come social chaos and the rise of authoritarianismin some […]

Merry Christmas from Sarah Young’s False Christ!

Thinking of giving Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling to friends and family for Christmas?  You might think twice . . . . Author Warren Smith elaborates on the strange December 25th “message” that is presented as the Christmas Day “devotion” in Jesus Calling. In his book Another Jesus Calling: How False Christs are Entering the Church […]

God’s New Sound

Part 11: The Physics of Heaven* A Serial Book Review & Theological Interaction Review of Chapter 10: (authored by Larry Randolph) “Spiritual Synesthesia”[1] By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Larry Randolph in an ElijahList advertisement, 11-9-23 I believe we are on the verge of experiencing Pentecost on a new level and in a new measure. Time and […]