Month: May 2014

St. Malachy & his prophecies

Part 2 CANONIZING MYSTICAL PROPHECIES & VISIONS Read Part 1: Secrets of Fatima & Marian Apparitions “Petrus Romanus, qui paſcet oues in multis tribulationibus:quibus tranſactis

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Neologisms for Evangelicals “My attorneys continue to advise me not to discuss this suit with othersnor to make any statements to news mediaabout the allegations

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A Second Pentecost?

IS THERE THE HOPE OF AN END-TIME REPEAT OF PENTECOST?! By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp, The Plumbline Newsletter, Vol. 19, No. 3, May/June 2014* “Could the

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Jesus, Paul and Midrash

Jesus, Paul and Midrash[1] God’s Truth versus Men’s Traditions[2]   by Pastor Larry DeBruyn  “Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written,This

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