Month: January 2012


Neologisms for Neoevangelicals SOLA EXPERIENTIA [(soh-luh) (ɪkˈspɪər ee ən’ see uh)] [(1685–95; < Italian, Latin sōlus alone); (1350–1400; Middle English < Latin experientia, equivalent to

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Neologisms for Neoevangelicals PLURA SCRIPTURA  ([ploor–uh] [skrɪpt ər’ uh]) [(1350–1400; Middle English  < Latin plūrālis,  equivalent to plūr-,  stem of plūs plus  + -alis -al);

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The Symptoms of Seduction by Spirits  “Now it came about when Jerusalem was captured in the ninth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the

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Spontaneous Spiritualism

Part 3, Do the Dead Communicate with the Living? Have Heart: A Review and Commentary (continued) Read Herescope’s Introductory Comments Read Part 1: Normalizing Necromancy

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