Month: February 2008

“Reframing Jesus”

“The term kingdom of God, which is at the heart and center of Jesus’ message in word and deed, becomes positively incandescent in this kind

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Creating Heaven on Earth

“‘At no point do the resurrection narratives in the four Gospels say, “Jesus has been raised, therefore we are all going to heaven.” It says

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The Gospel of the Kingdom

“Like Joseph, God’s put a dream in the heart of many Christians who have spent years being prepared for strategic influence in society. There are

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The new “do good” gospel

“The future of the world lies in religious pluralism.” —Rick Warren, “Pastor Argues Faith is Missing Link,” by Maria Kefala, 2/5/08 Rick Warren’s idea of

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Save to the Uttermost

“Wherefore He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.”–Hebrews

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