Month: June 2006

Foundation Imperialism

It seems like an extraordinary coincidence. C. Peter Wagner launched his new “philanthropic apostles” at the same time that Bill Gates, the world’s richest billionaire,

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Voodoo Philanthropics

Despite the claims that there will be a great outpouring of finances to further the New Apostolic Reformation’s dominionist expansion in the near future, there

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Wormy Straw Men

Reading the literature of the New Apostolic Reformation requires more than a little bit of discernment. Many of the writers rely upon faulty reasoning in

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The Emergent Organic Worldview

Brian McLaren of Emergent Church notoriety uses the terms “Jesus worldview” and “organic worldview” interchangeably. Both phrases carry dominionism connotations because, as Herescope explained in

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Emergent Words

In order to create an Emergent “Jesus Worldview” (see previous Herescope post), or any other new worldview for that matter, new words must be created

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