Month: February 2013

The Emerging Galactic Religion

Science Fiction and the Rise of Technocratic Posthumanism  By Dr. Martin Erdmann  Medicine is no longer restricted to healing. Biotechnology’s popular uses constitute a long

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The Gap Theory

A Review and Grammatical Critique From Cosmos to Chaos, and Cosmos Again Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if

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Augmenting Scripture With Diverse and Strange Doctrines Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.For it is a good thing that the heart be

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Midwinter Sunshine

A Book Review Watering the Greyhound Garden:  Stories from the Streets of San Francisco  by Warren B. Smith By Sarah Leslie This post isn’t really

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Incarnating Christ

An Excerpt from Tamara Hartzell’s new online book:“Reimagining” God: Turning the Light off to Look for “Truth” in the Corner of a Dark Round Room

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