Month: August 2011

Only Scripture

By Pastor Anton Bosch One of the non-negotiable essentials of orthodox Christianity has always been the completeness of Scripture. By completeness we mean that the

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Denying Dominionism

Exhibit 1 “Dominionism? What Dominionism? I don’t see any Dominionism!” The Dominionism Cover-Up There is a considerable amount of backpeddling going on now that Dominionism

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YOGA: Posture to Apostasy

Can yogic practices be integrated with the Christian faith? By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Whatever trend happens to be in vogue at a particular moment, Christians

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Dance and Worship by Pastor Larry DeBruyn “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Paul, 1 Thessalonians

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The Baal Covenant

Part 3: Divorcing Baal By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp Second American RevolutionBoston historically is known as the Cradle of Liberty—of freedom. The American Revolution was birthed

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