Month: January 2011

Reprobation vs. Revival

Part 3: Dialog With Deception By Pastor Larry DeBruyn A critical review of Lloyd Gardner’s book, Face to Face: A Dialogue with Jesus (Tollhouse, CA:

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“Creative License”

Part 2: Dialog With Deception By Pastor Larry DeBruyn A critical review of Lloyd Gardner’s book, Face to Face: A Dialogue with Jesus (Tollhouse, CA:

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Dialog With Deception

Part 1: Face to Face With Error By Pastor Larry DeBruyn A critical review of Lloyd Gardner’s book, Face to Face: A Dialogue with Jesus

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Reason Submitted Unto God

Matthew Poole’s Commentary on 2 Corinthians 10:5: “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into

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Not Prana

The Holy Spirit as Personal Comforter The idea of “practicing the presence of God” is meaningless. Do we also practice the omniscience of God; or

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Not an Emanation

True Communion with the Holy Spirit Part 2 in a selected excerpt from “Meditations on the Person, Work, and Covenant Offices of God the Holy

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