Month: November 2010

Pragmatic Peter

This is Where Pure Pragmatism Will Take You By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp* “So the goal that God has now placed on the agenda of the

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Dancing With the Stars

“The Vibrant Dance of Faith and Science,” A Cosmic Two-Step By Pastor Larry DeBruyn and Sarah Leslie “Many of us who have a foot both

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Emergent Metaphysics

Part 6: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS By Pastor Larry DeBruyn [Ed. Note: Part 6 concludes this important series by Pastor Larry DeBruyn. In

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Quantum Consciousness

Part 5: FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Neale Donald Walsch peddles New Age spirituality in books, recording, dialogs or “conversations”

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