Month: October 2007

Reinventing Rethinking

Update to the Rethinking Culture post earlier today: We happened upon the original Robert Schuller Rethink Conference materials that were posted a few months ago

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Rethinking Culture

“These culture pioneers know what is center-stage in our culture right now and also what is breaking on the horizon,” says Rethink Conference executive director

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Pragmatic Methodology

The nervous compulsion to get things done is found everywhere among us and right here is where the pragmatic philosophy comes into its own. It

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Snake Oil Transformation

“Disciplined Christians are the apprentice owners of the world,and intercessors who hear from God are its unseen regents.” –James Rutz, Megashift: Igniting Spiritual Power (Empowerment

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The Lord’s Way

Let us not think that waiting on the Lord will mean getting less done. The truth is that doing the Lord’s work in the Lord’s

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What of the Watchmen?

How to Discern: Part 6By Anton Bosch Each believer has responsibility for himself to be on the lookout for error and deception (Revelation 3:11). The

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Who’s Who?

How to Discern: Part 5By Anton Bosch It is important that we check every word we hear or read against the plumbline of the Bible.

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