Month: June 2012

“Reimagining” Conversion

From Evangelical Revivalism  to Emerging Ecumenicalism By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Part 4: Outcome-Based Conversion: By Man’s Machinations or God’s Ministration? Part 1: The Altar Call

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The Spirit of Error

By J.C. Philpot* Whether we set forth truth or whether we expose error, and we can scarcely do the one without at the same time

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Coda Scriptura

Neologisms for Evangelicals CODA SCRIPTURA [(kō’ duh) (skriptər’ uh)]   [Coda: Middle English & Anglo-French, Old French & Latin cōdex codex c.1300, from O.Fr. code “system

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The Harbinger

A Review and Commentary By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future (Lake Mary, FL:

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A Quantum Cosmic Christ

COSMS, CODES, AND CRYPTOLOGIES,  Part 8 Exhibit A* (click to enlarge) [David] Spangler sees the Christ as a cosmic principle: “Any old Christ will not

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