Month: April 2010

May Day Prayers

What Repentance? “I AM brooding over many areas in the earth – government, economic and spiritual structures – and changing the structures of how these

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R&R Revival and Revolt

The Tea Party’s Strange Bedfellows and What They Believe By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp “We have sinned… in every sphere of influence…. But there is a

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“Jesus” Talk

“Therefore I make known to you, that . . . no one can say,‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit.”(1 Corinthians 12:2, NASB) By

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Cause célèbre for worldly evangelicals! By Pastor Larry DeBruyn In his book The Backslider, in the chapter titled On the General Nature and Differing Species

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Dominionism’s Fatal Flaw

The Depravity of Humanity, Including “Us” By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Having laid claim to possessing political clout in America over the last few decades, religious

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