Month: August 2008

“One World – One Dream”

But what about Truth and Freedom? This is the title of the most recent article posted at Berit Kjos’s website today. This courageous article

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Matthew 5:8 and the mystic vision of God By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)

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God’s Purposes

By Anton Bosch What does the Bible reveal about God’s ultimate purpose in his dealings with mankind? What is the theme that runs from Genesis

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Evangelicals and New Agers

We want to call our readers’ attention to a recent article by Constance Cumbey posted at entitled “‘The Family and its Hijacking of Evangelicalism:

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God’s Dream = PEACE

A Global Kingdom Dream For years, we’ve dreamed of the day when the three sectors of society: public, private and faith – specifically local churches

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