Month: March 2007

Networking Mission

“The World Christian Movement is not a single organization, but rather a network of organizations working toward the same goal. They use many of the

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The Synergy River

Networking the Church: Part 8 “’I set the rivers free for all mankind,’ says that most ancient of mystical writings, the Rig Veda. . .

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Networking the Church: Part 7 . . . There is a ministry after the five-fold called the ministry of perfection – the Melchisedek Priesthood .

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Servant Leaders

We interrupt this series to announce exciting news. Anton Bosch’s new book Building Blocks of the Church: Re-examining the Basics is hot off the press!

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Militant Apostles

Networking the Church: Part 5 “The emerging apostolic movement will be built on a sharp increase of the apostolic call to serve in the Kingdom.

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Networking for an Army

Networking the Church: Part 3 “[Rick] Warren plans to add two additional 40-days programs: The third will be ’40 Days of Vision’ focusing on missional

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