Month: October 2006

The RED 3-legged Stool

“Where ONE takes on the bigger, longer-term beast of changing policy and influencing government, (RED) is, I guess, about a more instant kind of gratification.……There

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Try the Books

J.C. Philpot, in a sermon we have been excerpting in Herescope for the past several days entitled “Trying the Spirits” circa 1844, concludes with a

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Trying the Spirits

Discernment Ministries receives many requests from believers seeking to understand truth from error in these perilous times. Exercising discernment is something that each believer is

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Spot the Wolf: Part 4

Another post in the continuing series by Pastor Anton Bosch. Today’s post is particularly relevant to the new and deadly form of legalism that is

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Spot the Wolf: Part 3

Part 3 in Pastor Anton Bosch’s series about how to spot wolves in sheep’s clothing. [Pastor Bosch has just finished authoring a book which will

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Creative Destruction

Change is a constant in the knowledge society. Knowledge is very perishable. The knowledge worker must act as an entrepreneur and exercise personal management. Knowledge

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Dumping Mr. Edsel

[Drucker]: …Thirty-odd years ago I began to counsel that you should build organized abandonment into your system. It follows the old line that it makes

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