The word itself conjures up an image of obscure men in long robes, poring for hours over ancient texts and scrolls, seeking in musty tomes the essence of truth. In reality this teaching was in existence long before the formalisation of Christianity. Today it is also among the most prevalent new concepts. Its influences are not confined to the long dusty bookshelves in some forgotten college library, but are seen and heard worldwide.
An abundance of information on Gnosticism is readily available. Many books and articles on the subject have been written and can be obtained in any quality bookstore or library. Old manuscripts with reference to Gnosticism dating back to the early Church are also available, and provide great insight into the teachings and influence of Gnosticism on the world and in particular, the Church. W.H.C. Frend writes that "in the second century Gnosticism was a world-wide movement." [The Early Church, W.H.C.Frend, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1965, p.62]. Gnostic sects sprang up all over the world. Jacques Laccariane says, "No sooner was gnostic thought born than it began to be disseminated along the great routes of the Orient". [The Early Church, W.H.C.Frend, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1965]. Since that time Gnosticism has entrenched itself in the major religions of the world and not least of all Christianity. Gnosticism, while appearing to be a complex system of thoughts, is really quite simplistic and can be rather easily defined and understood.
The following attempt to set forth and explain some of the basic Gnostic thoughts will help some Christians to be on guard against the "winds of doctrine" blowing through the Church. The greatest challenge in the Church today is to discern between Gnostic thought and Christian thought.
What is Gnosticism? According to Webster, it is "an occult salvational system . . . stressing [knowledge of spiritual things] as essential . . . combining ideas derived especially from mythology, ancient Greek philosophy, ancient religions, and eventually, from Christianity". [Webster's New World Dictionary, Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1988, p.577].
The doctrinal core of Gnosticism is basically a form of mystical religious or philosophical doctrines which other adherents and some early Christian sects spread and which the early Church leaders vehemently rejected as heresy. Believers in Gnosticism are called Gnostics. The word "Gnostic" is derived from the greek word gnostiko or gnosis (inner mystic knowledge). The Gnostics believe that "gnosis" is subjective (internally perceived by the mind or feelings) knowledge of the devine element or spark in every man that needs to be discovered to be known. They believe the divine spark originally came from the "realm of light" (totally alientated from the world and the flesh), and is resident in the soul of man and is held there in captivity by the flesh (a product of demons). The only way to release the divine spark is through divine "revelation knowledge", experienced within in the spirit. Also they believe that only when the unconscious spirit in man is awakened by revelation from the "realm of light" can he come to know his real self - the god within.
Explained in a nutshell:
1. Man is Co-Substantial with God
As soon as man by "gnosis" (self knowledge) discovers and
releases the imprisoned divine spark (spirit), he then starts on a
mystic ascent to divine substance and on into the "realm of light".
Through divine revelation knowledge experienced in self, man becomes
conscious of his origin with God, his essence as God and his
transcendent destiny - all God. The unconscious self of man (the
unawakened inner spirit) is co-substantial with the Godhead, i.e.
having the same substance or essential nature. This is the kernel
Gnostic thought that has led to the creature being deified,
worshipped and served more than the Creator.
2. Elitism
The mystic "gnosis" (or knowledge) is only taught to the elite -
those who have a special capacity beyond the force of reason and the
flesh. According to Gnostic writings, this special capacity was
imparted by a messenger bearing a "spark" of light from the "realm of
light" even before the creation of the world. The goal of the
Gnostic is the release of the inner man by virtue of gnosis (inner
knowing) and his return to his native "realm of light". There seems
to be a special "place" for a special "people" who are called out or
chosen. That is how the spiritual elitism comes forth. It is this
Gnostic thought that is behind many of the aberrant teachings of the
Latter Rain Movement. (This will be discussed at length in Chapter
3. Intuitive
The Gnostic concept of God is determined by the depth of
illumination and revelation subjectively (by mind or feeling)
experienced "about God". The concept rejects external faith in God
the Person. The reference point for goodhood is in self. Gnostic
revelation must be distinguished from Christian revelation because it
is not rooted in history and transmitted by Scripture. It is rather
the intuition of the mystery of self. The dark cloud of mysticism
that overshadows the Church can readily be traced to the Gnostic's
"intuition of the mystery of self".
4. Self-Knowledge
The Gnostic believes that gnosis (selfe knowledge) is redemptive
and as such needs to be discovered and known. As a result of gnosis,
man subjectively discovers as a creature, the reality of his lasting
unity with the transcendent God. He discovers that his life is
immortal and that he is an ongoing manifestation of the light and the
god that dwells in his inner self. This knowledge, it is believed,
has a redemptive quality that takes the spirit in man to the ultimate
realm of light such as the fulness of God.
5. Redefinition of the New Birth
Love and salvation are reckoned obvious consequences of "gnosis".
Pure knowledge without subjective reality provides intellectual
enlightenment that comes from force of reason and must be avoided
because it suppresses the gnosis of Divine Reality. The only
substantial evidence of Divine Salvation comes from within the
self-consciousness of man. It is in the experience of the inner
gnosis that the Gnostic is "born-again". The redemptive quality in
man must not be sought in the incarnation of God in Christ through
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures or in faith
through grace, but rather in the self-conscious seat of his own
divinity. In other words, the fullness of divine self-consciousness
is the source and evidence of the Gnostic's "New Birth".
6. Divinity
To the Gnostic the mystery of God was already unveiled (at least
in secret) long before the birth of Jesus Christ and even before the
Scriptures were written. In fact, they say it was revealed and
buried in man before the creation of the world. Therefore, the only
way for man to know about God is through gnosis (self knowledge). As
a result, he will experience and know the Divine Spark within himself
and know he is a member of the Elite - a "Manifest Son of God".
The Gnostic strives to find God in the creation, i.e., in "self" rather than in the Person, Christ, who is the Creator! This pursuit winds up in pantheism.
Unfortunately, Gnostic trends are developing at an alarming rate within the Church. As early as the Second Century, Gnosticism infiltrated Christian theology. Since that time, it has gradually saturated the Church and is now, in these last days exploding not only within the Church, but also within secular institutions. The world is being prepared for a predominant Gnostic religious form, a New Order that will govern a great part of the world before Christ returns.
Because certain "popular" theological concepts are not being measured and subjected to strict Scriptural scrutiny, Gnosticism is gaining a stronghold. As a result of new theological thought, even fundamental orthodox doctrines are being grossly changed into seed-beds for Gnosticism.
The statements below (originally in chart form) is adapted from Which Jesus Do You Follow? by M. Dauer.