In this verse from Exodus, we have an excellent type of our High Priest, our Lord Jesus Christ: "holy . . . for glory and for beauty." The holy garments are a type of Him in His perfect holiness. It is through His absolute holiness that His glory perfectly shines and He is seen in all His beauty. Attempting to describe Him is difficult, but He is absolute holiness, absolutely radiant with glory shining through His holy nature, and thus beautiful in holiness and glory. Thus David could cry out,
In light of all that the phrase, "the beauty of His holiness," reveals to us about our God, it is astounding that God has a plan for us as described in Romans 8:
No wonder John could say,
Think on these words: "When he shall appear, we shall be like him . . . . And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." The words "purifieth" here means:
At this point, let it be sufficient to say that the Christian is to sanctify himself through the working of God by His word and His Spirit. He is to be conformed to His image and likeness now (His holy character) that when He comes, His glory may be manifested through us when we and the world see Him. Important here are the words, "when He appears." That means when He appears visibly, bodily, in the sky at the end of Daniel's 70th week. This is the exact opposite of what is being experienced in the "revival." Many have wrongly stated that the Church is being purified now and manifesting the visible glory of God in proportion to that perfection. This is part of the doctrine of "sinless perfection." Yet, Scripture says we have our old nature with us right up to the time we die. They, however, believe in the ERADICATION of the sinful nature through sanctification, yet Scripture says we are to cleanse ourselves of our sinful WAYS, not our sinful nature. This means we are to die to ourselves daily and walk in the holiness He works in us in spite of our sinful nature. It means to yield our members to those things which are pure and holy and not to the sinful nature still present with us. The supposed result of what is taught within the "revival" is that when the Church reaches a state of sinless perfection, Christ will fully manifest His glory through the Church without His visible presence. But, we believe we will not manifest His glory until the time when He visibly, bodily returns as the Scriptures say. We are to work with God to sanctify ourselves, but we cannot manifest the glory of God until He changes us at His coming:
The apostate Church of today preaches the glory of God, it calls the Church to manifest the glory of God, it lusts for the glory of God, yet there is what seems like an absolute silence of what comes before God manifests His glory in His body: Holiness. If as much right attention was given to God's desire for us to be holy and treating His word as holy, we wouldn't have a "revival" nor would we need reviving. If we did our duty toward God's call to holiness on a daily basis as is expected by the Lord, revival would be an unnecessary thing. Hosea was right: God's people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6-7). End of Part 8.
Introduction: Tribulation Preparation: Called To be Holy |