By Pastor Randy Elliott This talk is from a tape transcript dated October 18, 1992
The Holy Spirit Speaks To The Churches
The Spirit today is speaking to those who will listen, but He doesn't speak to just
individuals. Revelation 3:13 says, "He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the
Spirit says to the churches." Are you listening, Christian? Is your church listening?
The Spirit is continually striving with us, prodding us toward truth and
and away from attachment to this dying world.
Today we want to hear what the Spirit is saying to us as individuals and to our
through the church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13).
The City Of Philadelphia
Its Culture And Philosophy
We want to first make note of this churchºs circumstances. The city of Philadelphia
was founded in 140 B.C. at the juncture of the approaches to three major provinces of
Asia Minor: Mysea, Lydia and Phrygia. It was called the "Gateway to the East." The
city was prosperous, partly because of its flourishing grape industry. Dionysus was
its patron god, though temples throughout the city were erected in honor of other
as well. The city was founded as a missionary center for Hellenism, that is, for
spreading the pagan culture and though of Greece. Into this city had come the gospel
of Jesus Christ, that God had sent His Son as the atonement for our sin, and some had
turned away from the pagan culture and philosophy of the Greeks to Jesus Christ.
The Church Of Philadelphia
Faithful But Having Little Power
We need to hear what the Spirit of God wants to say through this church of
Philadelphia. This church, and the one in Smyrna, were the only ones of the seven
specifically mentioned that the Lord did not rebuke. Some 230 years after the
of the city, John the Revelator was told by the Lord Jesus to write to this church
under these circumstances: "I know your deeds. . . . you have a little power, and
kept My word, and have not denied My name" (Revelation 3:8).
It was a little church. It was a small group of people in the midst of a powerful,
prosperous center founded in a strategic location for the sake and purpose of
propagating paganism. This church was not great in number. It did not have a lot of
power. When this church spoke, no one necessarily listened. They were small, they
insecure, they were threatened. And apparently, they became the object of accusations
and attacks from what John calls the synagogue of Satan: "I will cause those of the
synagogue of Satan,who said they are Jews, but are not, but lie - behold, I will make
them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you" (v. 9). In
the midst of it all, they had been faithful to Jesus.
The Church Of Philadelphia
Deteriorating Circumstances With No Increase Of Power
Besides the immediate circumstances, there was something else looming on the horizon
that would make them feel smaller still: "the hour of testing, that which is about to
come upon those who dwell upon the earth" (v. 10).
Those of you who have studied Revelation know that Revelation 3:10 is probably a
reference to the Great Tribulation that is coming upon the whole world. But we also
know from our study of Scripture that sometimes a verse has a double application.
verse does apply to the Great Tribulation. But the immediate application to those
people in that time was that, in 95 A.D., one of the most severe persecutions of the
Roman Empire was about to descend upon the Christians. And as this message was being
written to the Philadelphia faithful, and with us in mind as well, they are aware,
there is a sense of foreboding, there's a strong feeling that something is about to
descend upon them, and they feel little and they feel small, they feel insignificant
and they feel insecure.
The Church Of Philadelphia
Comforted Through The Lord's Knowledge Of Them
How wonderful that Jesus says to them in verse 8, "I know your deeds." They're only
little, they're small, they're insignificant, but Jesus knows them. What does Jesus
know about them? "I know your deeds. You have kept My word, you have not denied My
name." That's what Jesus knew about them. Can the same be said of us?
These people loved God's word. These people didn't compromise God's word. These
loved Jesus because of what He did for them on the cross to save them from their
And they were not ashamed to bear the name of Jesus in the midst of a negative,
hostile environment. Jesus said, "I know your deeds and that you have little power,
yet you have kept My word and not denied My name." What a comfort for Christians to
know that Jesus knows the pretenders, and He knows those who are taking it on the
by refusing to deny His name. What comfort that He knows both the compromisers and
those who keep His word.
The Church Of Philadelphia
Their Source Of Confidence
Notice this church's confidence. As small as they were, as insignificant as they
their confidence was in Jesus Himself. Verse 7 says, "He who is holy, who is true,
has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens,
says this: I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one
can shut, because [I know] you [only] have a little power" (v. 8). This church is
saying, "Lord, we've been faithful to you, but things are getting worse. We've been
trying to stand for you in the midst of this paganism, in the midst of an environment
thatºs hostile to us, but Lord, we're tired. We're tired of standing,we're tired of
fighting. We're tired." Have you ever felt like that as a Christian? Have you ever
felt tired of the battles like those of the Philadelphian church? "Lord, we're tired.
And we see what's coming down the pike. We see this hour of testing, we see the
rumblings of it, we see the hints of it out in the world. We see that it's coming,
Lord, and we're tired. We don't know if we can stand anymore, we don't know if we can
take it anymore. We don't know if we'll be able to take it when the onslaught
Will they stand, only having a little power? Notice that Jesus didn't say to them,
"Buck up, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you can do it, positive thinking." No.
Do you know how Jesus gives these people hope? He talks about who He is - who HE is!
We've forgotten who Jesus is. We say too quickly He's the Savior, He's the Lord. We
don't even stop to think what these words mean. We don't stop to think when He says,
"I am the way and the truth and the life," or when the Apostle Paul says He is "all
Jesus says to the Philadelphians who are tired of fighting: "I am holy and true."
good does that do these people? They are trying to be holy, they are trying to be
true. Jesus is saying, "I know My sheep. I know every one of My people in every
of the earth, even in a small insignificant church in Philadelphia, who are seeking
be holy and true. And they have a special claim upon Me because I am holy and
Look again at what He says: "I have placed before you an open door that no one can
shut." Here's this little church feeling beaten down and defeated and hopeless and
despairing and belittled and nullified. Ask yourself: who are WE in the midst of such
circumstances today? We have just a little power. But Jesus says, "Look at MY power.
am the One who opens and no one shuts and shuts and no one opens." Do we see a Jesus
who is all powerful in these verses? We are too impressed by the power of governments
and the power of oppressors and the power of men, and Jesus says, "Turn your eyes
ME. You only have a little power but I have opened a door for you and no one can shut
it." So in the midst of their circumstances, being small and little, things
threatening them in their midst and things on the horizon, the Lord says to them, "I
am your confidence. You're weak, but I know your heart. I know you're faithful. I
open a door for you that no one can shut, not even the Roman Emperor." Their
responsibility, and ours, is to be faithful. Jesus would take care of the rest.
The Church Of Philadelphia
Called To Stand Fast To The End
Then Jesus encourages them by saying, "I am coming quickly." He doesn't necessarily
mean, "I am coming immediately.æ What He means is, when He makes His move, events
happen decisively. There will no longer be any hesitation. And as we see more
being fulfilled in our midst, Jesus is saying to us, "When I put My hand on the
doorknob of heaven, I will come quickly - it will be decisive - and events will
immediately fall into place and there's not anything thatºs going to stop it from
happening." So He says to us as He said to the early Philadelphian church: "Hold fast
to what you have, in order that no one take your crown" (v. 11).
The Church Of Philadelphia
Powerless, Yet Holding Onto A Promise
Despite their faithfulness, Jesus didn't promise He'd remove the bad circumstances
they found themselves in at the moment. But He promised they would be rewarded with
what escapes them in this present life - stability, safety, rest, security - when He
returned. In verse 12, Jesus promised the Philadelphians, "He who overcomes, I will
make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore;
I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the New
Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name."
When you think of a pillar, you don't think of something insignificant and insecure.
You think of strength and stability and permanence. And here's this little church and
Jesus says, "I know you have little power and I know you're threatened on all sides,
but to those who overcome, Iºm going to make you pillar in the temple of My God."
promising them stability and rest if they will remain faithful. And He promises them
that God's name and the name of the New Jerusalem and His own new name will be
upon them. If you know the book of Revelation, you know what's coming shortly.
Everyone who does not have 666 written upon him will not be able to buy or sell.
Everyone else is going to have a name, a number, written on them. But those who are
faithful to the Lamb of God are not going to take that number. Jesus is saying to all
the beleaguered saints, "The world will have its number, but you will have 'God'
written across you. And when they inherit the wrath of God, you will inherit the
Kingdom of God."
The Church Of Philadelphia
Then And Now
The message that the Spirit of God spoke to the church at Philadelphia has a special
relevance to us today. What is that message? The message is that in many ways people
today feel small and insecure and overwhelmed by their adversities. And many who are
seeking to be serious disciples of Jesus Christ and live for Him are getting tired in
the battle and are feeling like members of the little Philadelphian church - we only
have a little power and we can see the darkness descending and the problems
and worsening. Many today can identify with the little Philadelphian church.
Some who are trying to be faithful to the word of God and the name of Jesus are
feeling like they have little power because of intense personal problems. I am not
speaking of those suffering adversity who live selfish, world-centered lives hardly
distinguishable from worldlings around them. Such are the Philadelphians. Some are
under Satanic attack DESPITE their faithfulness to the Lord. They're not under attack
because theyºve been unfaithful, but DESPITE remaining faithful. Yet their future
not seem as secure as it once did. And if our theology says to us that we're never
going to have a problem if we're faithful to Jesus, then we've got a bad theology.
There's not a verse in the Bible to support that kind of theology. How can we read
chapters like Hebrews 11 - the great faith chapter - and believe such things?
Others feel they have only a little power because of what is happening all around us
in the churches. Jesus said, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many
will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). How many Philadelphians are left today in the
people who say they will be faithful to Godºs word and Jesus' name, and who won't
compromise either one? Answer that question in your own heart. Are you a
Philadelphian, having little power and feeling small, yet remaining faithful to your
And finally, people today feel small and of little power because of the present
onslaught of evil in our nation and around the world. The evil we see in our society
today will increase from this point to the end of this decade, making our present
seem trivial. The problem with America is not economic - it is moral and spiritual
because we no longer want God in this country - except for the little Philadelphians.
We have not seen the half of it when this juggernaut of evil comes down the pike.
Serious believers are going to increasingly sense that they are small with little
power when the invited evil invades our entire house and is glorified.
We are even now identifying with the Philadelphians of the first century. The
is descending. The party is over. The time will test us and only the spiritual
Philadelphians will stand. Today's Philadelphian has to seriously ask the questions:
"What shall we do?" and ÑHow shall we live?æ
- Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
- Realize we now a minority as the people of God.
- Focus on the power of Jesus, not on our weaknesses.
- Do not lose heart. Know that He has called us to be faithful in our weakness,
knowing we canºt totally change or stop what's happening.
- Remember, no one can steal your crown, but you can forfeit it through
unfaithfulness and the denial of Christ's name.
- Help prepare our families and friends and those in the church for the dark times
Remember, Jesus said, "I am coming quickly. Hold fast to what you have." Our prayer
must be, "Lord, make us like Philadelphia."