Volume 16, Number 4       July/August 2005



The Second Reformation

The Global Day of Prayer - Part Two

By Sarah Leslie


Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!...
Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace;
 and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar: 
(Ezekiel 13: 3, 10)


The first Reformation was about belief;
this one�s going to be about behavior.

Pastor Rick Warren, May 15, 2005


On May 15, 2005, Pentecost Sunday, the Latter Rain apostles held a huge global prayer meeting. Believers filled stadiums all over the world and prayed scripted prayers in unison while watching others do the same via high tech satellite hook-ups.

A poster advertising the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) told us in advance what was supposed to happen: �On Sunday, May 15 The greatest power known to man will be released.� If God�s people got together and prayed with �one voice� in �one day� that God would �reveal His glory and bless the nations of the earth.�

In the previous May/June 2005 issue of Discernment Ministries newsletter we reported on the plans leading up to the Global Day of Prayer. This report is a follow-up and an overview of the next phase of activity. The reader should read Part 1 prior to reading Part 2 for important background information. (The Global Day of Prayer - Part 1)

To review, the GDOP was scheduled to happen in three phases:

Phase I: May 6-15 was ten days of organized prayer from the Day of Ascension through Pentecost.

Phase II: The actual Global Day of Prayer, a global prayer event scheduled on Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2005. The GDOP itself is scheduled to continue yearly to the year 2010.

Phase III: �90 days of Blessing� scheduled for the ninety days immediately following the Global Day of Prayer.

What happened on the GDOP?

Rick Warren of Saddleback Church spoke to a gathering of 12,000 people in Dallas, Texas at the Reunion Arena for a live broadcast of the Global Day of Prayer event. He was joined on-stage by Rev. Jack Graham, T.D. Jakes, and other evangelical luminaries.

It is reported that the GDOP commenced in New Zealand, and that mass prayer meetings were held on each continent, and in each time zone, until the sun set in the U.S. Event organizers were hoping for 200 million people worldwide to participate in the event. The exact attendance is unknown. Some individual arena numbers have been issued in press accounts. In the United States, by Tuesday, May 18th, it was reported that 182 communities from 38 states and 1 overseas location held the event. It is said that 149 countries participated.

A Second Reformation

The Global Day of Prayer appears to be a chief mechanism for launching a �Second Reformation� in Christianity. The GDOP provides a convenient vehicle to transition the church from the old order to a new global order. Rick Warren is quoted as saying at the Global Day of Prayer event, �The first Reformation was about belief; this one�s going to be about behavior.� (www.pastors.com/article.asp?ArtID=8280) [emphasis added] An official press release from Saddleback Church states that if �Christians mobilize to confront the five �global giants� of spiritual emptiness, egocentric leadership, poverty, disease, and lack of education, it could spark a second Reformation.�

Believers during the First Reformation were persecuted and martyred for holding biblical beliefs such as sola scriptura, the priesthood of all believers and justification by faith. These core doctrines can be found in the great writings of godly Christian men the past 500 years � men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Matthew Henry, John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, and many others.

Latter Rain leadership has been openly promulgating the necessity for a Second Reformation for well over a decade now. It is sometimes referred to as the New Apostolic Reformation. C. Peter Wagner, Luis Bush, Ralph Neighbour, Ralph Winter, Bill Beckham, Mike Bickle, Lyle Schaller, Todd Bentley, Jim Goll, et al, have all written and spoken about a new reformation. The Latter Rain�s Second Reformation is characterized by a reversal of tenets of the First Reformation. It teaches that revelation can supercede the Word of God, that believers must come under apostolic leadership, and that works are necessary for the Kingdom.

Latter Rain is importing into the Church a phase of transition which includes new core doctrines for the Second Reformation. Many of these doctrines turn the Church back towards Catholicism and early heresies. Other �emerging� doctrines infuse pure New Age esotericism. The chart on page 6 will illustrate this transition.

Take note: there is a particular formula that is being widely utilized to bring about this doctrinal transition to a Second Reformation:

1.            DECONSTRUCTION of the old �wineskin.� The believer is persuaded that the old doctrine or practice is defective, ineffective, inadequate, or incomplete. Believers are taught that the old understanding is counter-productive to building the Kingdom of God on earth. Denominations and disunity are bad, stifling, and obsolete. This is sometimes referred to as the old wineskin.

2.            RECONSTRUCTION (also called �restoration�) of a new �wineskin.� The believer is presented with a new method, a superior understanding, a more complete revelation, or new tools. Believers are told there are unprecedented challenges facing the church in this era and we must face these �giants� by living out our faith in a new manner. This new way is often misrepresented as the �old� way of the �apostolic� age. Key scriptures, especially from the book of Acts or the Old Testament, are imbued with novel interpretations to justify the new theologies.

Rick Warren has stated that the �second reformation needs to change our behavior, not our beliefs� (Ministry Toolbox #200). However, the Second Reformation is about both beliefs and behaviors. Rick Warren explained this transition process.

Around the world, churches are in need of transition. The 21st century is presenting church leaders with new challenges and new opportunities. It appears that God is doing something fresh and new in his church. Church leaders are evaluating the need for change in their own congregations. Many are frustrated by the lack of growth. Others simply want to get in on what God is doing. The central question is this: How can we lead the transition from the church we are to the church we want to be? (Ministry Toolbox Issue #205) [emphasis added]

A key doctrine of the Second Reformation is dominionism. Believers are told that Jesus must return TO the church before he returns FOR the church. And to make this happen, they must fulfill a �Kingdom Mandate� to �advance� (in the military sense of the word) a visible Kingdom of God on earth. This is also referred to as the Great Commission �mandate.� These doctrines were explained in greater detail in Part 1 of this report.

The Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan

Phase III of the Global Day of Prayer is variously called �90 days of community transformation,� �90 days of Blessing,� �90 Days of PEACE,� and �90 days of good works.� The Internet links to Phase III of the Global Day of Prayer take one directly to Rick Warren�s P.E.A.C.E. Plan.

But what are these �90 days� all about? What are they supposed to accomplish? In fact, why piggy-back them onto the GDOP event itself?

Visiting the various GDOP websites mentioned in Part 1 of this report reveals that the third phase is all about �Becoming the Blessing of Christ� by doing �good works.� These works include: �clean up, painting, landscaping, moving furniture, assembling, light construction, serving meals, working with children, organizing products, assisting seniors, and performing basic household chores.� (http://www.ubahouston.org/synapse/news/fullstory_public.cfm?articleid=21363&website=missionhouston.org) �In Dallas, the projects include building homes with Habitat for Humanity, cleaning up a South Dallas neighborhood, distributing school supplies, painting nonprofit clinics, beautifying schools and reaching out to prisoners.� [You must register to read the article.] (http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/051605dnmetglobalprayer.b08b185d.html)

If simple �good works� were all that Phase III of the GDOP is about, there would be much to commend and no need to write a critical report. However, Phase III is actually a launching pad for global transformation of church and society. Harvest Prayer Ministries reported that the Global Day of Prayer was �the beginning of a worldwide effort to transform the globe for the sake of Jesus Christ.� (http://www.harvestprayer.com) Christianity Today reported that �Christians cried out to God to transform the nation politically, socially, economically and spiritually.� (http://www.christiantoday.com/news/ministries/millions.across.the.world.join.in.prayers.on.pentecost.sunday/264.htm) But what does this mean?

In researching Phase III of the GDOP, one can quickly reach the cynical conclusion that the whole event was a huge publicity stunt to launch the next phase of Rick Warren�s agenda � the Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan. Sincere prayer warriors around the world were interceding with the scripted, dominionist prayers of the GDOP:

   �Let Your Kingdom be established in every nation of this world so that governments will rule with righteousness and justice,�

    �Give us wisdom and insight in every sphere of life,�

    �May Your blessing bring transformation amidst every people on earth,� and

    �Empower the Church to be transformed��

    Meanwhile leaders were busy putting flesh on these prayers with a brazen agenda to literally transform the Earth.

The use of the term �sphere� in the second prayer listed above is precise and intentional. �Sphere� is a term that was first utilized by the Coalition on Revival (COR) in the 1980s to describe seventeen �spheres� of life and ministry. These �spheres� were to be infiltrated and taken over as part of a dominionist political and spiritual Kingdom mandate. The spheres of ministry include law, government, economics, business, education, media, health care, church, family and others. The term �sphere� is sometimes referred to as �domain� or �gate� by Latter Rain leaders.

COR has been described as a �melting pot for Charismatic Dominionists and Reconstructionists� by Al Dager in his book Vengeance Is Ours: The Church In Dominion.2 These eclectic dominionists believe that the ends justify the means, and they will form alliances with anybody or anything that appears to be working towards the �Kingdom� on earth. As a result, key doctrines of the First Reformation become further eroded and even abandoned.

Rick Warren referenced several �spheres� (termed �pieces�) on June 11, 2003, when he delivered a speech to the Washington D.C. Hope Tour. In this speech he presented the vision for his P.E.A.C.E. plan.

    So, at Saddleback, we are going to try a little experiment�. So we�re going to try out ONE approach to dealing with the AIDS crisis, and once we figure out what works, we�ll create a template that can be used by thousands of other purpose-driven churches�. Our objective is the global glory of God. As I�ve thought about this, it seems obvious that we all have different roles to play. There is an educational piece. There is a media piece. There is a government piece. There is a community development piece. There is a relief piece. My question has been, �What is the local church�s role? What is our responsibility?�

The dominionists teach that restoration occurs as believers serve as stewards of this world, taking back what belongs to God. Believers are to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth and enforce the dominion and authority of heaven upon everything evil. The spheres are a way to channel this mandate.

�Whatever It Takes�

Rick Warren has stated, �It�s time for the church to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer.� (http://www.pastors.com/article.asp?ArtID=8310) This new emphasis on �good works� does not appear to be encumbered by Christian ethics, normal restraint, or traditional doctrines. At a recent Purpose-Driven conference Warren stated, �The P.E.A.C.E. plan will be a �revolution� for global Christianity,� and �I�m looking at a stadium full of people who are telling God they will do whatever it takes to establish God�s Kingdom �on earth as it is in heaven.�� (http://www.sbcbaptistpress.org/bpnews.asp?ID-20603) [emphasis added] Notice the phrase �whatever it takes� and the word �revolution.� This type of aggressive Latter Rain �transformation� terminology is increasingly showing up in mainstream evangelicalism.

For example, a prayer organization in Orlando, Florida, headed by Vonette Bright of Campus Crusade, stated in its �Guidelines for Transformational Prayer, �As a city we are beginning the process of whatever it takes to see our city transformed. We are doing it intentionally. The city must seek God�.

(http://www.visionorlando.org/PrayerNotes/Guidelines%20for%20Transformational%20Prayer.doc) [emphasis added] To underscore the dominionist mandate to transform the world, these Guidelines call for �Intentional Prayer.�


    These are prayers that look for God Himself to come and transform the entire city� to redirect the city to the God given purposes for that specific community�.

    Every city/nation has been called by God for a specific role to play towards the fulfillment of His Son�s prayer, �Give me the nations for my inheritance.� So each city must arrive at its God given purpose, timing and strength to contribute to the overall purpose of God for the nation. (Acts 17:26-28) Nations are called to seek God and find Him (as a nation) and His purposes for them.� [emphasis in original]

Even the Southern Baptists now teach it. �The greatest hindrance to the gospel is the unwillingness of Christians to make a �whatever it takes� commitment to the one who commanded them to make disciples of all the nations,� said Southern Baptist International Mission Board President Jerry Rankin at a church in Plano, Texas in 2003.


Workplace Apostles

In Part 1 of this report we mentioned that partnering with business was an essential feature of the GDOP and we listed some key leaders and their websites. Many of these organizations are also linked with Africa. In analyzing the preliminary data from Phase III of the GDOP, it is apparent that business leaders will step up to the plate and take center stage in advancing the �Kingdom of God� on earth.

C. Peter Wagner, who is credited with concocting much of the transitional doctrine for the New Apostolic Reformation (Second Reformation) announced last year that there is a new type of apostle. He calls this entity a �workplace apostle� and he was forced to dramatically alter ecclesiology (the definition of what constitutes a �church�) in order to justify these new apostles. Workplace apostles will have authority over the �spheres� � religion, family, education, government, media, arts, and business. Wagner stated, �We need to be fully aware of the two strategic gates for the advance of the kingdom of God that will be opened through the ministry of apostles in the workplace.� Gate number one, he says, is �social transformation.� Gate number two is the �transference of wealth.� (http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/arise.html)

Examples of the African template

Pope Benedict XVI, in one of his first acts as pontiff, told the international community to become �more involved in helping solve the problems of the African continent.� (http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/s05050120.htm)

�The official rollout of P.E.A.C.E. will focus on the small country of Rwanda in eastern Africa,� according to a report on Saddleback�s 25th anniversary celebration (http://www.sbcbaptistpress.org/bpnews.asp?ID=20603) Rick Warren has been involved in the transformation of Africa for a number of years. In 2003 he formed a partnership with Turn the Tide, an organization established by Bruce Wilkinson. Wilkinson�s recent book The Dream Giver talks about the �Giants� that need to be overcome.3 These two men intend to overcome the �Giants� in Africa with the help of John Maxwell, George Otis, Graham Power (credited with originating the GDOP idea), Alistair Petrie, Ed Silvoso, and many other Latter Rain leaders and organizations.

When Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, spoke at Saddleback Church on April 17, 2005, he spoke of a new partnership between the church, his government and business. �Rwanda is interested in forging business relationships with people in this country, and we will be more than happy to tell you about the investment opportunities that are available,� he said. (http://www.gov.rw/government/president/speeches/2005/17_04_05_saddleback.htm)

Bruce Wilkinson is connected with an organization called Bridges International Development (BID) out of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. This organization seeks to build �an infrastructure for sustainable development� in Africa that �includes utilizing government, NGOs [non-governmental organizations, ed.] and business.� BID�s �spheres� include: �Orphans, Relief & Aid, Women, Agriculture, Health Care, Environment/Energy, Economic Growth, Transportation, Communication Information Technology, Good Governance/Accountability and Education.� BID is seeking corporate partners to invest in Africa for the purpose of �community transformation� by creating Community Empowerment Centers fitting USAID criteria. (http://www.bridgesid.org) In other words, they are bringing in corporate business interests alongside the Gospel. How one can perform this activity without compromising the integrity of the Gospel is not addressed. In fact, most workplace ministries insist that they have only the finest of intentions. Scriptures that come to mind include: I Thess. 2:4-5; Titus 1:10-11; and Rom. 16:17-18.

Another organization working in Africa is called equip. Their first venture to South Africa took place in April 2003.

A South African team has pioneered the �host country� elements of equip. We will partner in other countries in the future. Our goal for each venture is to mobilize 10 consultants from a sending country and 10 from a host country to work together to re-purpose 10 corporations in 10 days. Together we experience The power of 10. Our goal is that all spheres of societies will be transformed, starting with business, so that the Kingdom of God is extended to God�s glory.

This organization unabashedly talks about �kingdom building business exploits,� �using business as a platform for expanding the kingdom of God in the future,� and becoming a �Kingdom Capitalist.� equip uses a model with specific �outcomes� including �new definitions of success,� �funds flowing,� �society-changing initiatives,� transforming �10 spheres of society,� and a �kingdom worldview.�

The larger context is being part of God�s big plan to have people from every �tongue, tribe and nation� worship him. Our starting point is business, and we will selectively springboard from this into other domains where our teams have gravitas and a calling. This goes beyond �conversions� and �seeing people saved.� (http://www.repurposing.biz)

The International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) is �releasing business people into the walk of God�s Kingdom.� ICCC is mobilizing and networking �Kingdom entrepreneurs, executives, and government leaders into the purposeful, strategic, global Kingdom initiatives underway in our day.� Their vision �calls for a world-wide network of committed businesspeople in contact with each other, exchanging ideas, products and services.� (http://www.iccc.net)

Bill Gates of Microsoft has �contributed 4.1 billion dollars to programmes tackling HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases over the past five years.� Over the next five years the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged $28 million to this cause.

    Gates said governments needed to stimulate private pharmaceutical companies to invest in research on diseases that affect the world�s poor by providing funding to ensure developing nations were able to buy the resulting drugs. (http://www.timesofoman.com/newsdetails.asp?newsid=15419)

Perhaps C. Peter Wagner will soon call Bill Gates a �philanthropic apostle.� Indeed, it once seemed curious that the Gates Foundation once employed Christian Right activist Ralph Reed, but possibly he was an outreach into evangelical partnerships in Africa. Gates has been criticized for narrowly targeting with his funds only those activities that would benefit pharmaceutical companies. It is apparent that there are economic trade-offs for Gates, as the pharmaceutical industry is a major purchaser of computer technology. Africa is also a wide open market for computers.

When Rick Warren�s small group mission trips go to  Rwanda to combat AIDS, they will find International Planned Parenthood already involved in some of the same �spheres� of concern. Planned Parenthood is �partnering� with other entities to gather data, develop a strategic plan, change public opinion about sexuality, and improve service. (http://ippfnet.ippf.org/pub/IPPF_Regions/IPPF_CountryProfile.asp?ISOCode=RW) The world�s biggest abortion provider was founded by Margaret Sanger, who held extremely racist views. There is every reason to be distrustful of this group.

Rwanda is also currently the target of a massive national grassroots assessment process known as the Participatory Poverty Assessment. �International and particularly local NGOs, trade unions, the private sector and church based organizations will all be key in reviewing the data collected by the PPA and other survey data.� Surveys, data, assessment, focus group results, and status reports will be fed into a data analysis process so that support strategies can be developed, forecasting can be performed, linkages created, stakeholders enlisted and solutions proposed. (http://www.minecofin.gov.rw/poverty_reduction/) One could wonder  whether Bill Gates� Microsoft computers will be providing the storage capacity for this massive  data collection.

It is entirely conceivable that Saddleback mission trips to Rwanda will be a joint cooperative effort between government, corporate (business), private and religious interests to transform the country. Rather than spreading the Gospel, American volunteers may be assisting in the conducting of surveys, meeting with governmental officials, and databanking the results. One short term mission entity is developing standards for comprehensive debriefing, on-field re-entry preparation, and post-field follow-up and evaluation to identify unresolved issues. It is conceivable that some missionaries, with a great deal of zeal to spread the Gospel, may need comprehensive deprogramming to grapple with the resulting cognitive dissonance. They may have just been sent on a mission trip that had nothing to do with the Word of God and everything to do with being political/corporate emissaries. (http://www.stmstandards.org/standards-7.php)

The ONE Campaign

On June 3, 2005, Rick Warren wrote:

Dear co-worker in Christ,

I have a simple request � but it could determine whether millions live or die.

You�ve probably read in the papers about �The ONE Campaign: To Make Poverty History� that�s been endorsed by a wide coalition of folks from all across the faith and political spectrum�.

This summer, at the G8 conference, our nation has a historic opportunity to lead the world by showing a visible and significant commitment to the fight against global poverty, hunger, and disease. In early July, President Bush will gather together with leaders from the world�s eight wealthiest nations in Edinburgh, Scotland, to discuss these very issues � especially in Africa�.

What can we do? For the past two years, I�ve had 4,500 of our Saddleback members quietly testing a prototype of our global P.E.A.C.E. Plan in 47 countries. It is a strategy for small groups in churches to show compassion. Once we have the template perfected, we�ll share it with every church that�s interested�.

�Join me and other evangelical leaders in an open letter to President Bush�.

All I need you to do is e-mail me back at rick@peace.gs giving your name and title and I�ll add your name to the list. Also you can visit www.one.org for more information

The ONE Campaign is �a new effort by Americans to rally Americans ONE by ONE to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty� through a diverse coalition of faith-based and anti-poverty organizers�.� David Brooks of the New York Times, in a recent editorial (May 26, 2005), called this organization a �nexus of a vast alliance between socially conservative evangelicals and socially liberal N.G.O.�s.� ONE�s goal is one percent of the U.S. budget and raising other funds internationally.

Bono, of the rock group U2, has taken center stage in promoting ONE, halting a concert to plug everyone into a cellphone �thousand points of light� to sign up with ONE. Evangelical luminaries associated with this group include Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, John Stott, Chuck Colson and others. According to one news account,

    Last year a version of this left-right pincer helped get an Africa trade bill through Congress, liberal development types made common cause with churches and the business lobby�. So the Bush folk are pretty much surrounded. Even though they�ve already launched two major Africa initiatives � the Millennium Challenge Account aid effort and the president�s initiative on HIV � it�s a pretty sure bet that in the run-up to the G-8 summit and the U.N. gathering, the Bush administration will have to do another something�. Announcing bold pro-Africa initiatives. [ To read the article you must register at the site.] (http://www.ajc.com/wednesday/content/epaper/editions/wednesday/opinion_244932c38406526700d5.html)

On its official website ONE states: �ONE links directly to the international effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.� It is outside the purview of this report to delve into the UN Development Goals, but this fact raises serious ethical questions about the ability to conduct authentic and traditional Christian evangelism.


There is no doubt that wonderful and moving stories will come out of the darkest recesses of interior Africa in the years to come. One can still retain hope that the mission trips to Africa will be simple and humble acts of mercy and compassion. But keep in mind that the stories may be highly undocumented � particularly unverified �transformation� miracle accounts like those of George Otis.

The �Kingdom transformation� of the African continent appears to fit the radical goals of a one world government. It also appears to be a bold maneuver to create a new market for corporate interests. It is a flagrant attempt to export the �Kingdom theology� and worldview to this undeveloped area of the world. Sadly, the missionaries and organizations who are working the fertile soil of Africa are claiming to represent US � evangelical Christianity! They claim that their version is the truth. Rick Warren brazenly asserts that his plan is �God�s Plan.�

When the G8 countries meet they will likely increase funding because they have been lobbied by Bono, Rick Warren and ONE. The World Bank will soon release more money to Africa. Bush will soon announce a global AIDS coordinator. Bill Gates has committed a large sum of money. Will a portion of this vast ocean of money end up in the coffers of Rick Warren and the Latter Rain dominionists? After all, the false prophets have �prophesied� an outpouring of funds for years. Won�t it be presented as �providential,� that God is now pouring out the monies because the church is becoming �aligned� to the new structure and successfully �advancing His Kingdom� on earth? The reader has every right to be cynical.

Buy the truth and sell it not�  (Prov. 23:23)


1.                 See report on cell churches available from Discernment Ministries.

2.                 This book is available from Discernment Ministries.

See chapter 11 of Deceived on Purpose by Warren Smith, available from Discernment Ministries.





Sola Scriptura
Scripture Alone

The Bible is the only inspired and authoritative Word of God and is accessible to all, perspicuous and self-interpreting.

Promulgating anything NEW: interpretations of the Word, understandings, revelations, a �new move of the Spirit,� etc.

Sloppy methods of biblical exegesis; bizarre eschatologies.

The Gnostic idea that God is now bringing in �secret� or �new� teachings to the Church because it is becoming properly �aligned� for the 3rd Millennium (see below)

New revelation supersedes the Word of God.

Vision-casting, goals, strategic plans, mission, vision, values, core goals and covenants supplant Scripture.

Either: 1) a complete re-working of traditional theology to incorporate the new doctrines and practices,
or 2) more New Age Bible versions,
or 3) additional writings added to the 66 books of the Bible canon.

Solus Christus
Christ Alone

Jesus Christ is the exclusive mediator between God and man.

No man or structure comes in between the believer and God.

The priesthood of all believers.

Creating an interlocking network of cells, small groups, house churches.

�Emergent� doctrines about ecclesiology, including a broader definition of �church� in the context of the �spheres� of culture.

New ideas about �laity,� new structures for accountability, new mediators.


Extreme leadership focus, everyone trained to be a leader.

A new authority structure that is hierarchical based on cells, city-wide church, regional, national and global structures.

Believers must submit, in the context of a restructured church (cell model), to apostolic leadership.

Replicating churches by �cellular DNA,� using sophisticated psycho-social marketing techniques and coercion.

Based upon a blueprint from 1800s German evolutionary mysticism known as General Systems Theory.

Sola fide
Grace Alone

Salvation comes by grace only, not through any merit on the part of the sinner; an unearned gift.

Salvation becomes a mere decision, a �just say yes� to Jesus.

Accelerated �conversion� rates happen as a result of group dynamics, psycho-social marketing techniques, peer pressure or indoctrination.

Salvation is measurable.

Salvation mandatory and externally judged by works.

Enforced submission to �Christ� and the �Kingdom� rule on earth.

Every one who does not bow the knee to �King Jesus� is guilty of a capital crime.

Sola fide

Faith alone

Justification comes through faith only, not good works.

Setting up criteria and standards to achieve �measurable results� in all �spheres� of Christian living.

A holistic Christianity that incorporates good deeds (works) which are monitored and assessed for results.

Rewards for good works,
penalties for noncompliance.

Faith and good works combined yield justification.

Sanctification is good works.

�Fruits� are measurable and assessed.

�Whatever It Takes� � i.e., the ends justify the means.

Soli Deo Gloria
Glory to God Only

God accomplished everything on the cross for His glory.

God is sovereign.

Believers must assist God.

Believers must manifest God�s glory, hasten His coming, build His Kingdom, bring transformation, and take the �blessing� to all nations of the earth.

Believers are Christ �incarnate,� the manifest sons of God, �co-redeemers� and �co-creators.�

Critical mass, synergy and synchrony will usher in Christ.

A new world order of peace, prosperity and harmony called �Christ�s Kingdom.�

Jesus� Kingdom spiritual and eternal: (Jn 18:36; Prov. 21:1; Psalm 45:6; 72:8-9; 45:6))

Church and State �collaborate.�

Fulfilling the Great Commission becomes a spiritual/political mandate.

A Church State.

�As in heaven, so on earth.�

Nations are corporate persons to be transformed through �discipling.�












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